- Adjudicate to Ghaiyyath
- Aubergine to Space Blues
- Belt Buckle to Auguste Rodin
- Boomer to Modern Games
- Breege to No Nay Never
- Brogan to Night Of Thunder
- Chachamaidee to Mehmas
- Eartha Kitt to Too Darn Hot
- Flighty Almighty to City Of Troy
- Formidable Kitt to Ghaiyyath
- Gallifrey to Mohaather
- Galmarley to Mohaather
- Harbour Wall
- Illanglass to Lope Y Fernandez
- Illaunmore to Kingman
- Kenzadargent to Showcasing
- Lumacho to Harry Angel
- Madame Zeroni to Kingman
- Mary Somerville
- Miss Jingles to Mehmas
- Night Lark to Sioux Nation
- Opportuna to Chaldean
- Perfect Light to Harry Angel
- Qipao to Charyn
- Real Smart to Kameko
- Sassy Dresser to Modern Games
- Strong And Stable to Blackbear
- Sunday Bess
- The Gold Cheongsam
- Ursulina to Sergei Prokofiev
- Wall of Sound to Study of Man